I found some tips that might help you forget bad memories. Here are some of them:

1. Change the context of the memory and tell yourself a different story about it.
2. Journal about your feelings and thoughts to process them.
3. Practice mindfulness to anchor yourself to the present and avoid dwelling on the past.
4. Work on defusing the emotions of the memory and focus on non-emotional aspects of it.
5. Identify and avoid your triggers that remind you of the memory.
6. Talk to a therapist who can help you with memory reconsolidation, memory suppression, or exposure therapy.
7. Consider taking medication such as propranolol to reduce the emotional impact of the memory.

You can also try the 5-4-3-2-1 technique which is a simple grounding practice that can help pull your mind from those memories to your present. Here's how it goes:
- Look for 5 things around you.
- Feel 4 things around you.
- Listen for 3 different sounds.
- Smell 2 different things.
- Taste 1 thing.

I hope this helps!