Here are some steps you can take to get rid of dog odor:

1. Bathe your dog regularly with a dog shampoo. This will help remove any dirt or bacteria that may be causing the odor.

2. Clean your dog's bedding and toys regularly. You can use pet-friendly laundry detergent to maintain freshness.

3. Vacuum and mop floors regularly to eliminate dog odors and keep the house clean.

4. Use baking soda to neutralize bad smells on furniture or carpet. Sprinkle it on the affected areas and let it sit for 15-30 minutes before vacuuming it up.

5. Create a 1:1 mixture of distilled white vinegar and water to neutralize bad smells on furniture and in rooms.

6. Use natural air fresheners such as opening windows and doors, using a fan, or adding a humidifier.

7. Consider buying a pet air purifier which can filter out odors and allergens .