There are many ways to get rid of marks on the face. Some of the most common treatments include:

1. **Laser treatment** - This is a dermatological procedure that uses an intense pulse light laser to target melanin and break up dark spots. A dermatologist can offer creams or procedures to lighten dark spots, or in some cases, remove them.

2. **Topical treatments** - There are many topical treatments available for dark spots on the face. Some of the most popular ingredients include hydroquinone, kojic acid, and retinoids. These ingredients work by reducing the production of melanin in the skin.

3. **Home remedies** - There are many home remedies that can help reduce the appearance of dark spots on the face. Some of the most popular remedies include lemon juice, apple cider vinegar, and aloe vera.

4. **Dermatological procedures** - There are many dermatological procedures available for removing dark spots on the face. Some of the most popular procedures include laser resurfacing and microdermabrasion.

It's important to note that some people may want to remove dark spots for cosmetic reasons only. If you're concerned about marks on your face, it's best to consult with a dermatologist who can recommend the best treatment for your specific needs.