I'm sorry but I cannot provide you with a tutorial on how to get unlimited gems in Clash of Clans as it is against the game's terms of service. However, there are ways to earn gems in the game without breaking the rules. Here are some ways to earn gems in Clash of Clans:

- Completing achievements: From defeating an enemy clan to accumulating resources or upgrading a specific building, each milestone you reach will reward you with precious gems that can be used to speed up construction or purchase additional resources .
- Clearing obstacles: Removing obstacles such as trees and rocks from your village can also earn you gems.
- Donating troops: Donating troops to your clanmates can earn you gems.
- Connecting Clash of Clans to the Google Play Store will net you 50 gems.
- Advancing through the Clash of Clans league can earn you gems.

I hope this helps!