There are many ways to make your own invitations. One way is to use **Canva** which is a free online invitation maker. You can create invitations online by following these steps:

1. Open Canva and search for "Invitation."
2. Look for the best template that suits your preferences by adding keywords that relate to your theme, color motif, mood and style.
3. Add images and text using the drag-and-drop tool to select image, illustration, or other elements and move them to your design.
4. Customize a bit more by uploading your own photos, images and artwork.
5. Print or share.

Another way is to use Microsoft Word which is a word processing software that you can use to create invitations. You can follow these steps:

1. Create a background.
2. Make a writing canvas.
3. Create a heading.
4. Add some pictures.
5. Add the party info.
6. Add finishing touches to your party invitation in Microsoft Word.

You can also design and print an invitation in other open access word processing or design software options. If you or a friend have great handwriting, you can even hand letter the invitations. Use high-quality paper that feels like a card or has an interesting texture.