Here are the steps to replace a tile:

1. Protect the work area with a canvas drop cloth.
2. Use a utility knife to score grout joints around the cracked tiles.
3. Loosen the cracked tile using a cold chisel and hammer, and remove the loose tiles.
4. Use a trowel to scrape the wall clean of loose debris.
5. Dry-fit the new tile to the wall.
6. Remove the grout with a grout saw.
7. Crack the tile with a hammer and cold chisel.
8. Remove adhesive with an old chisel or putty knife.
9. Apply latex tile adhesive to the new tiles and press firmly into place.
10. Force grout into the joints, removing the excess, and avoid contact for 24 hours.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions or if there's anything else I can help you with.