Here are some ways to say "handsome" in Spanish:

- **Guapo** is the direct translation of "handsome". You can use it in different ways such as:
- Él es muy guapo. (He is very handsome.)
- Ella siempre se fija en los hombres guapos. (She always goes for handsome men.)
- Me gusta el chico guapo que trabaja en la cafetería. (I like the handsome guy who works in the café.)

- **Apuesto** is another way to say "handsome" in Spanish. It means "good-looking" or "attractive". You can use it in different ways such as:
- El hombre apuesto está sentado en la mesa. (The handsome man is sitting at the table.)

- **Bien parecido** is another way to say "handsome" in Spanish. It means "good-looking" or "well-formed". You can use it in different ways such as:
- El chico es bien parecido. (The boy is handsome.)

- **Buen mozo** is another way to say "handsome" in Spanish. It means "good-looking" or "well-formed". You can use it in different ways such as:
- El joven es un buen mozo. (The young man is handsome.)