Here are the steps to use curling rods:

1. Use smaller rods for small, tight curls and bigger rods for larger curls. The wider the rod, the looser the curl!
2. Separate a small lock from the back section and remove any tangles. If you have thick hair or want tighter coils, use smaller sections.
3. Wrap the end of the lock around the flexi rod to secure it.
4. Roll the flexi rod in a spiral up the lock of hair until you reach the root.
5. Bend the ends of the flexi rod to hold it in place.
6. Repeat steps 2-5 until all your hair is rolled up.
7. Let your hair dry completely before removing the rods.
8. Unroll each rod carefully and separate each curl with your fingers.

I hope that helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.