There are different methods to reduce the appearance of large pores. Here are some of them:

1. Use yogurt masks, sugar scrubs, gentle cleansers, water-based products, and clay masks. These methods help to keep the bad bacteria that causes acne in check, remove excess sebum, dead skin cells, and impurities, and stimulate the production of collagen.
2. Do a proper cleansing every day, preferably twice a day, with warm water and gentle cleanser.
3. Apply sun protection to avoid losing collagen and elastin from skin damage.
4. Exfoliate with a gentle scrub or chemical peel.
5. Use a gel-based cleanser if you have oily skin or creamy cleansers if you have normal to dry skin.
6. Avoid using soap or scrubbing agents in your cleansers as they can make pores look bigger.
7. Assess your skin care products and switch up the skin care products you use on a regular basis.

It is important to note that it is not possible to get rid of large pores completely but these methods can help to make them less noticeable .

I hope this helps!