Here are the steps to create a Chrome extension:

1. Create a project folder for a chrome extension and add an icon in 128X128 for logo.
2. Add manifest.json.
3. Add the Browser Action.
4. Load your extension into Chrome.

You can also use JavaScript and the web extensions platform called Manifest V3 to create a Chrome extension. The extension can have a popup user interface, use the notifications API, add a context menu item, and use the storage API to store data. Additionally, you can override Chrome pages, show notifications, and exchange messages with native applications from your extension.

Here are some resources that can help you get started:
- [Build a Chrome Extension – Course for Beginners - YouTube](
- [How To Build A Chrome Extension - The Beginner's Guide - Agira Technologies](
- [How to Build a Chrome Extension - Neil Patel](
- [How to Build a Chrome Extension -](
- [Chrome Extensions getting started guides - Chrome Developers](
- [How to Create Your Own Google Chrome Extension -](